I'm looking to hire for a new cook position in my school kitchen. This might be the most important decision I make in terms of helping me improve the school menu, so I'm very excited. Here's the ad I placed:
Part-time cook: Be Part of the School Food Revolution
Our private school is looking to improve school lunch and needs a part-time cook to help with that process. If you watched Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution and/or are interested in being part of the new school food movement, this is your chance. We’re looking for a recent culinary school grad or someone with a couple of years of restaurant experience. So, some professional kitchen experience is necessary but we’re willing to train the right person. We’re looking for a cook that is professional, has good communication skills, and is flexible with duties. Day to day work will vary depending on the menu and our in-house catering needs. For example, one day might be spent slicing and prepping chicken sausages and peppers for a lunch of whole grain pasta with sausage and peppers sauce, working on a catering event, performing inventory duties, and helping out with our salad bar. Each day is different.
I’ve gotten quite a variety of resumes, including a school kitchen veteran, a home cook passionate about improving the state of school lunch, and someone with a Masters degree in Food and Agriculture wanting real-world experience. I’ve already scheduled a few interviews for Monday.
That is so exciting! If I still lived in MA I would have applied.